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Pair of Distinct Fossil Leaves- Erythrina and Sumac
Stock Number  FPGRL702

Name:   Erythrina and Sumac Leaves
Age:  Eocene
Formation:  Green River Formation
Location:  Bonanza, Utah
Size:  Plate is about 10 inches tall

This is a very detailed multiple leaf plate from the Eocene of Utah. The large leaf at the top of the plate is a rare Erythrina roanensis leaf. This specimen is quite round, which is typical of this species. This is a very nice example of this type. The leaf at the top is Rhus nigricans, a Sumac leaf. This specimen also displays very fine detail and a complete petiole. Both leaves are fabulous examples of their types. This is a very collectible plate of displayable fossil leaves from the Green River Formation.