EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Large Mazon Creek Fern |
Stock Number FPFMC55 |
Split Pair Seed Fern
Age: Pennsylvanian
Formation: Carbondale Formation
Location: Braidwood, Illinois
Size: Nodule is 3.8 inches long
This is a distinct Mazon Creek fossil. It is an unidentified seed fern preserved in a huge siderite concretion. This specimen was obtained from the Jay Wollin Collection and was found in the 1960s. Both halves of the large concretion are intact and offered together. The fossil has very good color, nice contrast, and fine detail preserved. And there is even a separate, small frond at the bottom of the concretion! This is a superb display specimen of a fossil seed fern in a siderite concretion from the classic Mazon Creek locality.
This fossil was collected and obtained legally, and is also being sold legally.