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EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Rare Leaves from Colorado
Stock Number  FPCOL32

Name:   Macginitiea wyomingensis, Gymnocladus hespiria
Age:  Eocene
Formation:  Green River Formation
Location:  Douglas Pass, Colorado
Size:  Plate is 6.2" X 7.2"

Here is a very unusual plate of fossil leaves from the Green River Formation of Colorado. There are two very different leaves on the plate. On the left side of the slab is a rare Gymnocladus hesperia leaf. The slightly crenate margins of the leaf are intact, and the long petiole is clearly defined. The acuminate apex of the leaf is well preserved, and the weak venation of this species of plant is even evident. The multi-lobed leaf on the right side of the plate is Macginitiea wyomingensis, a Sycamore Leaf. This leaf has all five lobes preserved. This distinct leaf still has the petiole attached and exhibits fine detail. Parts of the Sycamore leaf have been bug-eaten, which is quite a story. The fossils have great color and contrast and are nicely presented on the rectangular plate of shale. This is a very displayable plate of rare fossil leaves from Colorado.