DeROSEAR COLLECTION - Mazon Creek Frond |
Stock Number FPFMC37 |
Split Pair Seed Fern
Age: Pennsylvanian
Formation: Carbondale Formation
Location: Braidwood, Illinois
Size: Concretion is 4.3" X 6.5"
This is an incredibly complete Mazon Creek fossil. It is an unidentified seed fern frond preserved in a huge siderite concretion. This specimen was obtained from the DeRosear Collection (#692) and was found in the 1960s. Both halves of the HUGE concretion are intact - it is one of the larger Mazon Creek ferns that we have ever had. The fossil has very good color, nice contrast, and fine detail. And each ''leaflet'' is not just one leaf - the large frond is made up entirely of smaller fronds! This is a superb display specimen of a Mazon Creek fern from a major fossil collection.
This fossil was collected and obtained legally, and is also being sold legally.