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EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Branching Ash Leaves
Stock Number  FPUF04

Name:   Fraxinus Branch with Large Leaves
Age:  Eocene
Formation:  Green River Formation
Location:  Bonanza, Utah
Size:  Plate is about 10'' X 12''

This is simply an amazing plant fossil. It is a huge branch of Fraxinus (Ash) leaves from the Green River Formation of Utah. This specimen is incredible in both its size and its completeness. The branch itself is almost eleven inches long - a massive plant fossil from the Green River Formation. The branch has five extremely large leaves tightly attached. The leaves are well showcased on the plate, and a few are even partially bug-eaten! The branch is nicely centered on the large, unbroken matrix plate - it is hard enough to find a nice, unbroken plate of matrix this large, let alone have a huge, museum quality plant preserved on it. This is a highly collectible and extremely displayable fossil plant that is one of the most interesting plant fossils we have ever offered.