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Excellent Sphenophyllum In Siderite Concretion
Stock Number  FPFMI09

Name:   Sphenophyllum sp.
Age:  Pennsylvanian
Formation:  Braidwood
Location:  Johnson County, Missouri
Size:  Concretion is 2.3 inches long.

This is a beautiful specimen of Sphenophyllum sp. from the Pennsylvanian of Missouri. This unusual fossil plant consisted of a slender stem bearing whorls of wedge-shaped leaves. This plant became extinct at the end of the Pennsylvanian. This specimen has been preserved in a siderite concretion. Both halves of the concretion are present. The fossil displays the thin, delicate stem and four leaf whorls. The fossil plant has good color and contrast. It exhiibits very fine detail. The individual, spatulate leaves are easily seen. This is a great specimen of this unique fossil plant.