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Many Beautiful Glossopteris Leaves On Both Sides
Stock Number  FPAG03

Name:   Glossopteris browniana
Age:  Permian
Formation:  Glossopteris Beds
Location:  New South Wales, Australia
Size:  Plate is approximately 3.5" X 7.0"

Here is a unique specimen of an unusual fossil plant. This is Glossopteris browniana from the Permian of Australia. Glossopteris was a tree of substantial size and had a trunk reaching up to 16'' in diameter. This giant seed fern had very thick leaves. Each leaf had a sturdy midrib with a network of veins. Fossils from this tree are an important indicator of the theory of continental drift. There are four leaves on one side of the plate and two leaves on the reverse side. The leaves exhibit wonderful detail - the ''feathery'' venation is beautifully displayed. The totally natural, orangish-red coloration of the leaves contrasts superbly with the creamish-pink matrix. This is a striking example of Permian vegetation from Australia.