Very Aesthetic Multiple Leaf Plate |
Stock Number FPUAL08 |
Leguminosites, Zelkova, & Allophylus
Age: Eocene
Formation: Green River
Location: Bonanza, Utah
Size: Plate is 4.5" X 4.7"
Here is a very nice fossil leaf plate from the Eocene of Utah. There are three different types of leaves on the plate. On the left side of the slab is Leguminosites lesquereuxiana. This leaf has entire margins with very weak venation. The short petiole is still attached to the leaf. The top of the leaf has been chewed on by an insect prior to fossilization. In the middle of the plate is a complete example of Zelkova nervosa. This lance-shaped leaf is from the keaki tree. The slightly dentate margins of the leaf are clearly defined. A beautiful specimen of Allophylus flexifolia is present on the right side of the plate. This leaf is complete and exhibits wonderful venation. The petiole of this excellent leaf is intact. All of the leaves have outstanding color and contrast. They are nicely positioned on the squared plate of shale. This is a very displayable leaf plate with three different genera.