Salix cockerelli, Cardiospermum coloradensis
Age: Eocene
Formation: Green River Formation
Location: Bonanza, Utah
Size: Plate is 5.2 inches tall
Price: $39.00
This is a very unique specimen of Cardiospermum coloradensis (Balloon Vine) and Salix cockerelli (Willow Leaf) from the Green River Formation. At the top of the plate is a fine specimen of Cardiospermum coloradensis. This interesting lobed leaf is quite distinct in appearance. At the bottom of the plates is a very nice example of a Salix cockerelli Willow leaf. The fossil leaves have great detail and wonderful natural color and contrast. The plants are nicely spaced on the squared plate of matrix. This is an extremely unusual association of two uncommon leaves from the Eocene.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.